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SlateConnector for 3ds Max [ #MaxScript #3ds Max #SlateMaterial ] Here's a REALLY useful tool developed by David Almeida. It syncronizes...
Unreal Engine 4 tutorial: Creating a Tank [ #UnrealEngine #Game #Animation ] In this Unreal Engine 4 tutorial, Developer Relations Technical...
Batch Camera Render This script aims to replace standard 3dsmax's Batch Render and imitates Houdini Output Node workflow. Using it you c...
How to Render with KeyShot - by Mario Malagrino, Italy Web: Before I begin the tutorial, let me say a f...
Modifier Modifier Zorb v 2.7.06 Fixed bug where object has multiple non unique property names (Vray Lights) v2.7.05. Added support for param...
Creating the Palm Plant by Aziz Khan, Afghanistan Hey guys, in this tutorial we will learn how to create palm plant with its plant pot, fi...
Modeling A High Poly Stylized Bow In 3D Studio Max Back in September we published an awesome free model of a stylish modern bow from Stefa...
Creating a Velvet/Suede finish with Vray or Mental Ray by Jamie Cardoso The following tutorial works for both V-Ray and mental ray. One of...
Floor Generator in 3ds Max by Mrigua Simo In this video tutorial we will learn how to generate a floor in 3ds max using a free floor gener...
Create a Photorealistic Car Render using 3ds Max and Vray 42 1 6 Share Whenever you see highly realistic images of CG cars, you may think th...
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