Thursday, April 9, 2015

Modeling an Umbrella

Modeling an Umbrella by Tomek Michalski Web:


I would like to present you a way of modeling an umbrella by using program Marvelous Designer. Using this technique you can model all materials of clothes such as: shirts on the hanger, trousers etc. First you have to open Marvelous designer and change Gizmo to a local one (Environment->Gizmo->Local Coordinate Gizmo), create a circle:


Then add stiches using ” Create Internal Rectangle ” or other creative pattern using:” Create Internal Polygon/Line”.

polygon line

Later you mark newly created stiches and change the parameters of their intensity:


Next step is adding Red Pins (left mouse button+ W) in such way to create a shape of an umbrella to keep it down while simulation so you would be able to control the way it looks.


Make sure theRed Pins are at the very edge.

Turn off the stimulation for a moment and check how the material lies. Then turn on the simulation and move the Red Pins situated in the greatest distance from the center. Just like on the screen: down and toward the center: 

Later mark the umbrella and change Physical Properties as described below. The most important parameter is Pressure, which controls the tightness of the umbrella. Adjust it as you wish.


Start the stimulation with a standard Particle Distance-20.0 and editRed Pins until you get a similar effect. 

To make final stimulation change Particle Distance to 4.0 


Export and save the umbrella in .obj format.


Then open 3ds max a to add a details to the umbrella. Convert the umbrella to editable poly, remove the ugly and unnecessary tip of the umbrella. If it is necessary, make amendments using a modifier fdd box. 


Optimize only the net of the umbrella using a modifier ProOptimizer. It is important to mark:Keep Texture, Keep UV Boundaries. For that purpose you can use Zbrush and a tool Decimation Master. 

Model a metal top of the parasol using the technique you find most comfortable.


Now let’s make the stitch from the side of the umbrella’s handle. Mark “border”of the umbrella. With shift move from border to edgeand click on create shape from selection. Change thethickness of the line you created. If it is necessary, correct the mistakes. 


Then model other details using the techniques you like best.


Add shaders and you are done! The technique used to create the material for the umbrella can be used for creating countless things like shirts on the hangers, skirts etc. 



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